
New Zealand Shoot a Promotional Video of Police Community Police Car "Hello" at FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand

Venerable Ru Lian welcomed the members of the police's Asian liaison officers and media team. photo/The Life News Agency

Albert Lin, The Merit Times staff writer
September 12, 2023

On September 7th, New Zealand Police introduced a newly decorated and dedicated vehicle for the diverse New Zealand communities. The launch of the community car was celebrated at the Commissioner’s Ethnic Focus Forum held at Counties Manukau Police Station.

New Zealand Police introduced a newly decorated and dedicated vehicle for the diverse New Zealand communities. photo/The Life News Agency

On the afternoon of that day at 2 o'clock, Officer Kevin Deng of the Police Ethnic Services led members of the police's Asian liaison officers and media team to shoot a promotional video for this new car. The first location chosen by the New Zealand Police for the shoot was the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Buddhist Temple New Zealand. Venerable Ru Lian, Superintendent of FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand, along with the President of Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) NZ North Island, Yu Ling Gu, and subchapter presidents Wang Shu Juan and Wang Hui Yu, were there to welcome them.

Subchapter president Wang Hui Yu introduced the FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand. photo/The Life News Agency

The Police Ethnic Services team has been identified as requiring a suitable vehicle in line with the Pirihimana (Māori), Va'a (Pasifika) and Rainbow (Pride) vehicles in the police diversity fleet.

This Hyundai Ioniq 5, electric vehicle was selected for the new livery as the community engagement vehicle for Ethnic Services staff based in Tamaki Makaurau.

The livery on the car which depicts the word ‘hello’ in 75 of the more-than 170 different languages spoken by our ethnic communities in New Zealand. It reflects the diversity within New Zealand Police and the respect for those in our community who have English as their second language.

The vehicle will help increase trust and confidence through inclusion, consultation and recruitment. It acknowledges our multicultural communities that live here within our borders.

Commissioner of Police Andrew Coster said that this new community car showcases their dedication and commitment to the diverse communities. photo/The Life News Agency

Commissioner of Police Andrew Coster said: “We hope this new community car, which is a part of our Police fleet showcases our dedication and commitment to the diverse communities we serve.

"This car symbolises our ongoing commitment to inclusion consultation and recruitment by valuing diversity, which is one of our core policing values as an organization.”

This vehicle serves as a tool that will support New Zealand Police when our staff are out engaging with our ethnic communities, which is comprised of over 230 ethnicities.

By using this electric vehicle (EV) Police continues to cut down our emissions while fulfilling carbon reduction targets. This vehicle fits within existing project funding due to it being an EV. An existing EV from Waitemata District fleet pool was repurposed for this project.

The car is part of a wider fleet involved in the electrification project. The expectation is this car, along with the others in our fleet will reduce carbon emissions by around 176.1 tonnes annually. This aligns with global policing innovations and modernizes and transforms our fleet while seeking to meet our carbon reduction targets.

The Police Media Centre was impressed by their visit to the FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand. During the filming process, they captured the unique Buddhist architecture of the FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand. Key highlights of the shoot included the lush Path to Buddhahood, garden landscaping, and representatives of Buddhist religious masters. In the end, the Police Media Centre successfully completed the promotional video shoot.

The Police Media Centre was impressed by their visit to the FGS Buddhist Temple New Zealand. photo/The Life News Agency

Venerable Ru Lian invited the filming team to participate in the Cherry Blossom Festival event scheduled for November. Officer Kelvin mentioned that during that time, the "Goodwill Ambassador" police car would once again visit the temple.

紐西蘭警署部在9月7日中午於馬努考警局舉行「多元種族焦點論壇」,並宣布推出一款全新塗裝的警車,作為大奧克蘭地區族裔服務警員的專用車輛。當日下午2時,多元種族小組Kevin Deng警官帶領警局亞裔聯絡警官及媒體組成員首選北島佛光山為這輛新車拍攝宣傳影片,北島佛光山監寺如廉法師、國際佛光會北島協會會長顧榆齡,以及分會會長王淑娟、王惠玉共同接待。

警署長Andrew Coster表示,這部新的電動社區警車,作為警察車隊的一部分, 展示警署部對所服務的多個族裔社區的奉獻和承諾。這部警車象徵警署部一直以來持續重視社區多樣性、合作包容及招募新警員的承諾,這亦是核心警務重要的價值。Andrew Coster也強調,通過使用電動汽車,達到環保減碳目標的同時,亦持續減少碳排放。

Kevin警官介紹這輛具有代表性的警車表示,這輛警車最大特色是,車體用75種不同語言描繪「Hello」這個詞, 反應了紐西蘭警察內部的多樣性, 以及對社區大眾以英文為第二語言人士的尊重。紐西蘭目前有230多個不同的族裔,這輛車外表圖案的構想設計,意為促進警民間的良好互動,增加彼此的信任度和親和感,希望改變居民對警察的一些刻板或恐懼印象。



25 09 2023




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