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BLIA Florida Chapter Participated in the Veg Fest to Promote "Vege Plan A" | 人間福報-讀報教育


BLIA Florida Chapter Participated in the Veg Fest to Promote "Vege Plan A"

BLIA's promotion of "Vege Plan A" aims to achieve carbon reduction, animal protection, and Earth conservation through a plant-based diet. photo/The Life News Agency

Albert Lin, The Merit Times staff writer

November 6, 2023

The largest and oldest vegetarian promotion event in the United States, Veg Fest, kicked off on October 28th. This year's Veg Fest featured over 100 sponsors and more than 200 exhibitors promoting vegetarian lifestyle. Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Florida Chapter was one of the participating exhibitors, actively promoting "Vege Plan A."

BLIA Florida Chapter actively promoted "Vege Plan A." photo/The Life News Agency

Veg Fest organizers invited 25 vegetarian restaurant operators from Central Florida to set up an "Food Truck Street" in the city park, presenting the concept of a "Food Plaza." The event featured outdoor dining areas under the shade of trees, surrounded by a children's play area, a fruit and vegetable planting zone, a lecture area, a hands-on craft experience zone, and a pet adoption area.

The concept of Veg Fest aligns with BLIA's promotion of "Vege Plan A," both aiming to achieve carbon reduction, animal protection, and Earth conservation through a plant-based diet. BLIA Florida Chapter Lotus Subchapter organized an interactive game called "2023 Vegetable and Fruit Presidential Election," bringing joy to the attendees.

Guest Sophia mentioned that Veg Fest allowed them to discover various vegetarian cuisines and provided children with the opportunity to experience different cultures.

Veg Fest allowed guests to discover various vegetarian cuisines and provided children with the opportunity to experience different cultures. photo/The Life News Agency

Guests Jane and Lisa, who are teachers, inquired about the possibility of including a visit to Guang Ming Temple (IBPS Orlando) as part of their outdoor educational activities after hearing Peter's introduction to BLIA Florida Chapter Lotus Subchapter. They aimed to introduce their students to different religions (Buddhism) and cultures.

BLIA Florida Chapter Acting President Lu Qiuhong expressed that BLIA Florida Chapter participates in Veg Fest every year, dedicating efforts to promote "Vege Plan A." He hopes that everyone can apply this concept to other aspects of life, loving life, protecting the environment, and balancing ecosystems.

全美最大型、歷史最悠久的蔬食推廣活動-Veg Fest,於10月28日在美國佛州奧蘭多華麗開啓,超過100個以上的贊助廠商以及200個以上的參展單位共同來推廣蔬食生活。身為參展單位之一的國際佛光會佛羅里達協會當仁不讓,早早便將參展攤位佈置妥當,活力十足地推廣「蔬食A計劃」。







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